TRICKSTER, a Japanese bag brand focused on the material and the silhouette,
has been releasing several type of bags. TRICKSTER users say that only the user can realize the good of its functional quality and design. Also the reasonable price is the key attractive reason to buy. TRICKSTER has many different type of bags, and as one of the best seller is called "ERIC."
T-Style, is one of online stores handling ERIC, and ERIC is being the best seller of the store. In response to the popularity of such unprecedented, T-Style collaborated with TRICKSTER to make an original bag called "ERIC 2."
ERIC 2 is created upon the customers' voice regarding to ERIC, and improvement is as the following.
Improvement 1: The thicker cow leather is used for durability, but the softness is kept. For ERIC, there was a voice that the leather is thin and get damaged faster. In order to prevent the damage, thick and strong cow leather for ERIC 2.
Improvement 2: More practical size of pockets are set. Previous type of ERIC's pockets were a little bit small to contain the card cases. For business men, card case is essential item to carry. To make the customers' wish come true, we put a larger size pockets for ERIC 2.
Improvement 3: The metal of zipper was silver, but there were voices from customers that if the color of the zipper metal becomes more vintage and antique, it gets better, so here it is. As the customer say, it looks more cool.
Finally, the color variation of ERIC 2 is toned down to make them look cool. The bags adults carry has to be calm and classic.
As the result, ERIC 2 became a new best seller at T-Style. If you are looking for a new bag to purchase, why not try the ERIC 2 to taste the functions and designs?
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